Hello, welcome to Sichuan Shifang Chuhong Phosphorus Chemical Co., Ltd. official website.
0838-2569019 0838-8266178
18081236110 13881062286
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red phosphorus

Time:2018-04-09 22:08:03   
Detailed introduction:
Detailed introduction:

Chemical formula: P4

Molecular weight: 123.89 
Executive Standard: GB4947-1990
Character: Purple red amorphous powder with metallic luster. The relative density is 2.20 (20°C) and the melting point is 590°C. It is soluble in phosphorus tribromide, insoluble in water and carbon disulfide. Heating in a chlorine environment will burn. Flammable, non-toxic, odorless, no phosphorescence in the dark.

Technical indicators:


 Index name




Red phosphorus content     %≥




Yellow phosphorus content%≤




Free acid                            %≤




 Water                                %≤




Fineness (60 mesh)             %≥




Superfineness(100mesh)  %≥  







Uses: Used to make matches, pyrotechnics, chemical reagents, phosphorous alloys. It is a raw material for the production of organophosphorus pesticides and used metallurgical industry and organic synthesis.
Packing: 50kg iron drum (5 bags × 10kg/bag), prevent collision, rolling, throwing, and sun exposure during storage.

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Hotline:0838-2569019  18081236110  0838-8266178  13881062286
Address:No. 477 Mount Lu North Road, Deyang, hope city, Fortune Center, block A, room 1003.